A New Me Over 40

NEW **** 6-28-10 CUTEST BABY ANIMAL PHOTOS !!!!!!!!!!!

Mom & Baby Zebra

Baby Skunk
                 How can something SO CUTE...Be SO SMELLY !!!

                                         "1" Baby Bobcat
Litters of bobcats range in size from 1 to 6 kittens, weighing 10-12 ounces at birth. They are weaned at 12 weeks of age and independent of their mother at 10-12 months. The longevity of bobcats in the wild is 12-13 years.  Bobcats are excellent swimmers.  Bobcats are solitary and
territorial.  The cat is named for its short tail.

"2" Baby Grey Wolf Pups  
After about two months, a liter of one to 11 pups is born, with an average of five or six.

Orangutan & Chimpanzee - Mom and Baby 
Even monkeys look like they LOVE their babies VERY MUCH !!!!!!

"2" teacup pigs  
Teacup pigs are tiny when they are born and can fit into a teacup

"2" Baby Hummingbirds
They flap their wings so fast (about 80 times per second) that they make a humming noise.Hummingbirds can fly right, left, up, down, backwards, and even upside down. They are also able to hover by flapping their wings in a figure-8 pattern.

"1" Baby Racoon 
Raccoon babies are called kits or cubs. When coming down a tree, the raccoon can turn its hind feet backwards to make it easier.

Baby Snow Leopards
Snow leopards have powerful legs and are tremendous leapers, able to jump as far as 50 feet.  They use their long tails for balance and as blankets to cover sensitive body parts against the severe mountain chill.  These powerful predators can kill animals three times their weight.

                                        "2" Baby Platypus
      I hope they get "CUTER" as the get older.  LOL.  A platypus is amongst the five extant species of monotremes - mammals that lay eggs instead of giving birth to young ones.  Platypus is one of the few venomous mammals. The male platypus can deliver a poison, causing severe pain to humans, through a spur on its hind foot.

    AND YOU thought YOU were having a bad day with your kids !!! 
 "10" baby possums....OH MY GOSH.  The animal carries its young in a pouch, much the same as does the Australian kangaroo. Once a female opossum mates, she gives birth a mere 13 days later to a litter of roughly a dozen baby opossums that are each no bigger than a honeybee. These tiny, blind, and naked babies crawl on their own all the way to their mother’s pouch. There they each latch on to a teat from which they receive milk. They remain there for nearly three months. Once the young opossums leave the pouch, they’re still not ready to face the world on their own. For the next 10 to 15 days they go about clinging to mother’s fur. Eventually they become too heavy to hang on during these trips and one by one fall off. By the time this happens, the young opossum is fully weaned and able to forage for himself.

                              Not just 1 -  but "4" baby tigers  :0)
Females give birth to litters of two to six cubs, which they raise with little or no help from the male. Cubs cannot hunt until they are 18 months old and remain with their mothers for two to three years, then they disperse to find their own territory.

What is cuter than baby ducks !!!!
        I had some growing up...But.....they don't stay little very long

                                          Giraffes are also, cute !!!!
No, I did not have one growing up....lol

What is it??   I'm not sure
              BUT, it is the cutiest little thing...Please, don't be a mouse..

                                Whatever they're watching????
                                           I want to see.......
                                               OK..  listen up !!!!
                      Of course I'm the Easter Bunny...What do you mean...
                           You thought I'd be BIGGER...   WHAT ?????